13th World Congress on Pain (IASP) in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Aug./Sept. 2010

We (HPR) had a poster presentation at the 13th IASP World Congress on Pain in Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Aug./Sept. 2010) – in cooperation with Abbott Laboratories, Chicago, USA – with the following title (please contact us, for sending a poster PDF-file – if convenient – or have a look here Poster_LEP_IASP 2010):

Title: “Effects of a Novel TRPV1 Antagonist ABT-102 in a Human Experimental Pain Study Using Laser Somatosensory Evoked Potentials Obtained from UVB-Irritated and Normal Skin in Healthy Volunteers”

Klaus Schaffler, W. Rachel Duan, Andrea E. Best, Connie R. Faltynek, Charles Locke, Wolfram Nothaft

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About Klaus Schaffler

Dr. med. Klaus Schaffler (MD) has been specializing in the electrophysiology and pharmacology of the human central nervous system (CNS) – as well as in the field of human experimental pain research. During this development process, HPR Dr. Schaffler GmbH has issued over 175 presentations/ publications (sharing more than 50 on pain/ analgesia) and has conducted more than 150 phase-I studies with quite different objectives.