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A Contract Research Organization - HPR CRO

Almost unique worldwide

Human Pharmacodynamic Research GmbH has built a successful name in pharmacodynamic research since 1976, based in Munich, Germany. For more than 40 years now, the company’s founder, Dr. med. Klaus Schaffler, has been specializing in electrophysiology and pharmacology of the human central nervous system as well as in the field of human experimental pain research. During this time, HPR has issued over 175 presentations & publications, sharing more than fifty on pain alone. Up to the present date the company issued more than 150 phase-I studies as PI with different objectives.

Former successful research areas of HPR within the central nervous system have been vigilance, psycho-motor activity (oculomotor and eye-hand coordination by ODT & PTT), cognition, interactions (drug-drug, alcohol-drug), skeleto-motor related conducts (EMG+dynamometry and tremor), hypoxia, motion sickness and more, all of which you can investigate from our list of publications.

Today, the CRO HPR is focused on Phase-I clinical trials in human pharmacodynamics and in combined pd/pk approaches for national and international pharmaceutical companies.



Highly objective, efficient and high expertise on pain


independent unique partner in research


> 40 years expert on trials with validated method

Our Team

…the photographer is about to come. We’re preparing!

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Our Approach

Still curious?

If you’re interested in working with us or want further details on our methods, please have a look at our approach & service section:


Our approach

This is how we work


How-to Guide

Ponder to issue a trial?
Here is why you should consider HPR