Phase-I Pilot Study: Investigating objective measures of pain-processing-related nociception and subjective pain perception in an elderly cohort in the presence and absence of a standard analgesic on irritated (UVB) and non-irritated skin

This academic pilot-study – in cooperation with the School of Pharmacy of the University of Waterloo in Ontarion Canada – was completed by end July 2011. The statistical analysis of all experimental data (after online acquisition) was completed. The results confirm earlier findings with the investigated compound, but demonstrate age-related influences.

This is normally a place for German posts only – as we are looking for German-speaking volunteers to take part in our clinical studies!

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HPR Dr. Schaffler GmbH


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About Klaus Schaffler

Dr. med. Klaus Schaffler (MD) has been specializing in the electrophysiology and pharmacology of the human central nervous system (CNS) – as well as in the field of human experimental pain research. During this development process, HPR Dr. Schaffler GmbH has issued over 175 presentations/ publications (sharing more than 50 on pain/ analgesia) and has conducted more than 150 phase-I studies with quite different objectives.