HPR Dr. Schaffler GmbH Publications & Presentations (on CNS & Pain)
- Ehrenstein, Müller-Limmroth, Schaffler 1969 W. Ehrenstein, W. Müller-Limmroth, K. Schaffler. Ein elektrophysiologischer Beitrag über die Wirkung von 7-Chlor-1,3-dihydro-3-hydroxy-5-phenyl-2H-1, 4-benzodiazepin-2-on auf den Tag-schlaf nach einer Nachtschicht. Vorläufige Mitteilung (Electrophysiological contribution on the effect of 7-Chlor-1,3-dihydro-3-hydroxy-5-phenyl-2H-1, 4-benzodiazepin-2-one on day time sleep after night shift. Preliminary report) . Arzneimittel-Forschung / Drug Research, 19, Nr. 10, 1656-1659
- Ehrenstein, Müller-Limmroth, Schaffler, Thébaud 1970 W. Ehrenstein, W. Müller-Limmroth, K. Schaffler, C. Thébaud. Polygraphische Schlafuntersuchungen des Tagschlafs nach einer Nachtschicht und des Nachtschlafes nach einer Tagschicht an 8 Krankenschwestern. Pflügers Archiv, 319, 121
- Schaffler, Ehrenstein, Müller-Limmroth, Thébaud 1971 K.D. Schaffler, W. Ehrenstein, W. Müller-Limmroth, C. Thébaud. Psychopharmacological influence on day sleep after night shift. Paper read on the Symposium on ‘Morphology and Mathematics’, 4th Session ‘Physiological and Clinical Aspects of Rhythms’ of the IXth International Congress of Anatomists at Leningrad, August 18, 1970. In: Anonymous, Gegenbaurs morphologisches Jahrbuch, Bd. 117, Nr. 1,. Leipzig, 107-114
- Ehrenstein, Schaffler, Müller-Limmroth 1972 W. Ehrenstein, K. Schaffler, W. Müller-Limmroth. Die Wirkung von Oxazepam auf den gestörten Tagschlaf nach Nachtschichtarbeit (Effect of oxazepam on day sleep disturbed by night work). Arzneimittel-Forschung / Drug Research, 22, 421-427
- Meyer-Delius, Schaffler, Lincke, Gröner 1974 J. Meyer-Delius, K. Schaffler, P. Lincke, B. Gröner. Photoplethysmographic monitoring of vigilance related to visual perception. Jahrestagung Aerospace Medical Association in Washington. Sonderdruck, (Abstract and Presentation)
- Einars, Schaffler, Strasser 1975 W. Einars, K. Schaffler, H. Strasser. A computerized automatically system for assessing profiles of preponderant mental load in work study investigations. Pflügers Archiv, 359, 141
- Lincke, Schaffler, Meyer-Delius 1975 P. Lincke, K. Schaffler, J. Meyer-Delius. Der Einfluß der Belastung und der Beanspruchung auf die Fixationsbewegungen der Augen, die visuelle Perzeption und die photoplethysmographisch erfasste Hautdurchblutung. In: Anonymous, Stuttgart: Gentner Verlag, 97-103
- Meyer-Delius, Schaffler 1975 J. Meyer-Delius, K. Schaffler. Stress and Strain bei visueller Perzeption. Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft, 1, 33-37
- Schaffler, Lincke, Meyer-Delius 1975 a K. Schaffler, P. Lincke, J. Meyer-Delius. Der Einfluss von Aufmerksamkeitsanforderungen auf Augeneinstellbewegungen, visuelle Perzeption und Rhythmik der Kreislaufregulation. Vortrag 13. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrtmedizin in Fürstenfeldbruck. Ärztliche Praxis, 70, 2679-2680
- Schaffler, Lincke, Meyer-Delius 1975 b K. Schaffler, P. Lincke, J. Meyer-Delius. Die Bewertung der Kreislaufrhythmik bei Aufmerksamkeitsbelastung. Stuttgart: Gentner Verlag
- Schaffler, Lincke, Meyer-Delius 1975 c K. Schaffler, P. Lincke, J. Meyer-Delius. Visuelle Belastung und Ermüdung. Ärztliche Praxis, 70, 2679-2680
- Schaffler, Renemann 1976 K. Schaffler, K.H. Renemann. Theorie und Praxis der Schlafstörungen des Kabinenpersonals nach transmeridianen Langstreckenflügen (Sleep disorders of cabin crew following transmeridian long-distance flights). Medizinische Klinik, 71/46, 1985-1995
- Rimkus, Schaffler 1977 U. Rimkus, K. Schaffler. FM/FM-Fernfeldtelemetriesysteme für den Einsatz in beweglichen Rettungssystemen und zur Vitalüberwachung im Alltag. Technik in der Medizin, 5, 123-125
- Rother, Halldorsson, Langerholc, Schaffler 1977 W. Rother, T. Halldorsson, J. Langerholc, K. Schaffler. Present status of the Neodym-Yag-Laser in endoscopy and surgery. Paper on the International Surgical Laser Symposium in Dallas. Paper ISLD, (Abstract and Presentation)
- Schaffler 1977 a K. Schaffler. He-Ne-Laser: Die Anwendung in der Reiztherapie. Biotechnische Umschau, 1, 23-24
- Schaffler 1977 b K. Schaffler. Technik und Problematik der ortsunabhängigen Erfassung und Auswertung physiologischer Parameter unter Alltagsbedingungen. Biomedizinische Technik, 22, 191-193
- Schaffler 1977 c K. Schaffler. Zwei rechnergestützte psychophysiologische Testverfahren zur Untersuchung der afferenten und efferenten Informationsverarbeitung im ZNS nach Gabe psychotroper Substanzen. AGNP-Symposium Nürnberg 08.-11.10.1977. DWDK, (Abstract and Presentation)
- Schaffler, Rimkus 1977 K. Schaffler, u. Rimkus. Messen – Übertragen – Auswerten. Rechnergestützte Auswertung von biotelemetrisch gewonnenen Messdaten. Technik in der Medizin, 4, 88-91
- Schaffler 1978 K. Schaffler. Computer-assisted evaluation of biotelemetric data acquisition in humans. 4th Int. Symposium on Biotelemetry, Garmisch-Partenkirchen FRG, 28.05.-02.06.1978. Biotelemetry and Patient Monitoring, 5, 3-6. (Abstract and Presentation)
- Schaffler, Rother 1978 K. Schaffler, W. Rother. Laser in der Medizin (Grundlagen, Technik sowie Anwendung in der operativen Endoskopie). Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 21, 1245-1249
- Schaffler 1979 K. Schaffler. Automatisierung von intra- und postoperativer Überwachung. Technischer Ausblick. Langenbecks Archiv für Chirurgie, 349, 58
- Schaffler 1981 a K. Schaffler. Computer-assisted psychophysiological study monitoring the effect on vigilance and performance after acute and long-term administration of Prazosine, Clonidine and placebo. Vortrag auf dem 8th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension, Mailand, Italien, 31.05 – 3.06.1981. Sonderdruck, (Abstract and Presentation)
- Schaffler 1981 b K. Schaffler. On-line processing of data from the oculomotor and operational systems after peroral administration of Midazolam, Vortrag 1st International Sleep Symposium on Midazolam, St. Moritz, Schweiz, 25-26.06.1981. Sonderdruck, (Abstract and Presentation)
- Schaffler 1981 c K. Schaffler. The effects of benzodiazepines on a computer-assisted evaluation of saccadic eye movements, complex reaction tasks and EMG. Vortrag auf dem Int. Clobazam-Symposium, University of York, England, 13-15.04.1981. Sonderdruck, (Abstract and Presentation)
- Schaffler, Arnold, Hörmann 1981 a K. Schaffler, H. Arnold, E. Hörmann. A psychophysiological model to demonstrate CNS-protective mechanisms of a new 2-pyrrolidinone derivate (Ro 13-5057) in healthy subjects by on-line processing of the Oculodynamic Test (ODT) under hypoxic conditions. 3rd World Congress on Biological Psychiatry, Stockholm, 28.06-03.07.1981. Abstracts, 2, (Abstract and Poster)
- Schaffler, Arnold, Hörmann 1981 b K. Schaffler, H. Arnold, E. Hörmann. Elektrophysiologische Studie zur Interaktion von parenteral verabreichtem Alkohol und dem Antidepressivum Zimelidin mit Hilfe des okulo-dynamischen Tests (ODT). Vortrag auf dem AGNP-Symposium, Nürnberg, 1981. Sonderdruck, (Abstract and Presentation)
- Schaffler, Hörmann, Arnold 1981 a K. Schaffler, E. Hörmann, H. Arnold. A computer-assisted psychophysiological trial design monitoring healthy subjects under hypoxia to demonstrate different Cyclandelate effects depending on drug administration regimen. 3rd World Congress on Biological Psychiatry, Stockholm, 28.06-03.07.1981. Abstracts, 2, (Abstract and Poster)
- Schaffler, Hörmann, Arnold 1981 b K. Schaffler, E. Hörmann, H. Arnold. A pilot-study to evaluate the effect of acute and long-term administration of cyclandelate on the vigilance of subjects submitted to hypoxic conditions. Preliminary report. Arzneimittel-Forschung / Drug Research, 31, Nr. 6 1032-1035
- Schaffler, Arnold, Hörmann, Stengele 1981 K. Schaffler, H. Arnold, E. Hörmann, E. Stengele. Hämodynamische Wirkungen parenteraler Norfenefrin-Gaben in Kombination mit oraler Prämedikation. Herz / Kreislauf, 12, 591-597
- Schaffler 1982 K. Schaffler. Vigilanzuntersuchungen mittels elektrookulographischer und elektroenzephalo-graphischer Methoden nach akuter Budipin-Verabreichung. Parkinson Workshop, Igls, Oktober 1982. Sonderdruck, (Abstract and Presentation)
- Schaffler, Adams 1982 K. Schaffler, j.-j. Adams. Rechnergestützte Prüfung eines Sympathomimetikums unter orthostatischer Belastung. Therapiewoche, 32, 1964-1969
- Schaffler, Arnold, Hörmann 1982 a K. Schaffler, H. Arnold, E. Hörmann. The action of Clobazam and Diazepam on computer-assisted tests of muscle-activity: Oculomotor effects. Drug Development Research, Supplement, S1, 39-46
- Schaffler, Arnold, Hörmann 1982 a K. Schaffler, H. Arnold, E. Hörmann. Vigilanzverhalten bei Interaktion des Serotonin-selektiven Antidepressivums Zimelidin mit parenteral verabreichtem Alkohol ( Vigilance behavior in interaction of the serotonin-selective antidepressant zimelidine and parenterally administered ethanol). Arzneimittel-Forschung / Drug Research, 32/8, 845-852
- Schaffler, K., Rimkus, U., Hörmann, E., & Arnold, H. (1982) K. Schaffler, U. Rimkus, E. Hörmann H. Arnold. The action of Clobazam and Diazepam on computer-assisted tests of muscle activity: Dynamometric and myogenic-effects. Drug Development Research, Supplement, 1, 177-184
- Schaffler 1983 K. Schaffler. Der okulodynamische Test als Modell zur Untersuchung enzephalotroper Substanzen. In: S. Witte, G. Trunzler, & H. Darius (Eds.), 15. Bad Herrenalber Angiologisches Gespräch April 1983, 156-163
- Schaffler, Hörmann, Arnold 1983 K. Schaffler, E. Hörmann, H. Arnold. Vigilanzänderungen nach akuter und mehrfacher Verabreichung der Antihypertonika Clonidin und Prazosin (Changes in vigilance after acute and repeated administration of the antihypertensive agents clonidine and prazosin). Med Welt, 34/9, 284-290
- Schaffler, Reeh 1983 K. Schaffler, P.W. Reeh. Elektrophysiologische und psychophysiologische Hypoxiemodelle zur Evaluierung pharmakodynamischer Effekte von encephalotropen Substanzen. 13. Nürnberger AGNP-Symposium 1983. Sonderdruck, (Abstract and Presentation)
- Schaffler 1984 a K. Schaffler. Der Einfluss von Sympathomimetika auf den Schlaf und die morgendliche orthostatische Belastbarkeit. Therapiewoche, 34, 2621-2630
- Schaffler 1984 b K. Schaffler. Der Okulodynamische Test (ODT) als Untersuchungsinstrument für pharmakologisch induzierte Vigilanzänderungen. Vigilanz-Symposium, Titisee, Oktober 1983. In J. Kugler & V. Leutner (Eds.), (pp. 75-90). Basel: Editiones ROCHE
- Schaffler 1984 c K. Schaffler. Electrophysiological and psychophysiological hypoxia-models for evaluation of pharmacodynamic effects of encephalotropics in humans. 14th CINP Congress, Florence, Italy, June 19-23, 1984. Abstracts, 1081 (Abstract and Poster)
- Schaffler 1984 d K. Schaffler. Electrophysiological data concerning pharmacodynamic effects of Benzodiazepines. Workshop: ‘Is it possible to differentiate BZD?’, November 24th, 1984, Paris. Sonderdruck, (Abstract and Presentation)
- Schaffler 1984 e K. Schaffler. Elektrophysiologische Daten zu Benzodiazepin- und Non-Benzodiazepin-Anxiolytika. Expertengespräch ”Neuere Entwicklungen der Pharmakotherapie der Angst”, Saanen-Gstaad, 12.-14. April 1984. Sonderdruck, (Publ. and Presentation)
- Schaffler 1984 f K. Schaffler. New hypoxia models in healthy male human volunteers for testing cerebroactive drugs like standardised Ginkgo extracts. Int. Symposium ‘The effects of Ginkgo Biloba extracts and organic cerebral impairment’, New York, Sept. 1984. Sonderdruck, (Abstract and Presentation)
- Schaffler 1984 g K. Schaffler. Non-benzo-anxiolytic vs benzo-anxiolytic drug: A comparison concerning vigilance, myogenic and cholinergic effects after acute and subchronical administration. Abstract F 124, 14th CINP Congress, Florenz, Italien, Juni 1984. Sonderdruck, (Abstract and Poster)
- Schaffler 1984 h K. Schaffler. The anti-hypoxaemic effect of cyclandelate in man measured in human volunteers using computer-assisted oculodynamic methodology. British Journal of Clinical Practice, 38/6 Suppl. 51-57
- Bentel Schaffler 1985 U. Bentel, K. Schaffler. Minaprine, an atypical antidepressant: alcohol-interaction and memory function. A placebo-controlled double-blind crossover study – using a new test for the assessment of short-term memory. IVth World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Philadelphia, Penn., USA, Sept. 1985. Sonderdruck, 241, (Abstract and Poster)
- Schaffler 1985 a K. Schaffler. Buspirone – Psychomotor Profile. Montreux, October 1985. Recent Advances in Drug Treatment in Psychiatry, 33-40. (Publ. and Presentation)
- Schaffler 1985 b K. Schaffler. Electrophysiological and psychophysiological data concerning different benzodiazepine-anxiolytics. Psychiatrie, 2, 24-28
- Schaffler 1985 c K. Schaffler. Elektrophysiologische Daten zu Benzodiazepin- und Nicht-Benzodiazepin-Anxiolytika. In: H. Hippius (Ed.), Buspiron – Workshop. Expertengespräch. Gstaad, 12.-14. April 1984. Neue Entwicklungen der Pharmakotherapie der Angst, 116-127
- Schaffler 1985 d K. Schaffler. Non-benzo-anxiolytic vs benzo-anxiolytic drug: a comparison concerning vigilance, myogenic and cholinergic effects after acute and subchronical administration of buspirone, bromazepam and diazepam. IVth World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Philadelphia, Penn., USA, Sept. 1985. Sonderdruck, Abstr. 243, (Abstract and Poster)
- Schaffler 1985 e K. Schaffler. Study on performance and alcohol-interaction with the antidepressant fluoxetine – a selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitor – using computer-assisted psychophysiological methodology. IVth World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Philadelphia, Penn., USA, Sept. 1985. Sonderdruck, Abstr.No. 141, (Abstract and Poster)
- Schaffler 1985 f K. Schaffler. Study on performance and alcohol interaction with the antidepressant fluoxetine – a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor – using computer-assisted psychophysiological methodology. 1st International Conference, Montreux, Switzerland, Recent Advances in Drug Treatment in Psychiatry, 10.1985 (Abstract and Presentation)
- Schaffler 1985 g K. Schaffler. Vigilance study using electro-oculographic and electroencephalographic methods after acute budipine administration in healthy subjects. In F. Gerstenbrand, W. Poewe, & G. Stern (Eds.), Clinical Experiences with Budipine in Parkinson Therapy. Springer Verlag, 194-202
- Schaffler, Bentel 1985 K. Schaffler, U. Bentel. Electro- and psychophysiological study on alcohol-interaction and specific vigilance after acute and subchronical administration of the antidepressant minaprine. IVth World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Philadelphia, Penn., USA, Sept. 1985. Sonderdruck, Abstr. 418, (Abstract and Poster)
- Schaffler, Kauert 1985 K. Schaffler, G. Kauert. Simultaneous monitoring of pharmacodynamic and kinetic data after chronical quazepam administration under run-in, steady state and wash-out conditions. IVth World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Philadelphia, Penn., USA, Sept. 1985. Sonderdruck, 9 (Abstract and Poster)
- Schaffler, Reeh 1985 a K. Schaffler, P.W. Reeh. Doppelblind-Studie zur hypoxie-protektiven Wirkung eines standardisierten Ginkgo-Biloba-Präparates nach Mehrfachverabreichung an gesunden Probanden (Double blind study of the hypoxia protective effect of a standardized Ginkgo biloba preparation after repeated administration in healthy subjects). Arzneimittel-Forschung / Drug Research, 35 (II) Nr. 8, 1283-1286
- Schaffler, Reeh 1985 b K. Schaffler, P.W. Reeh. Long-term drug-administration effects of Ginkgo biloba on the performance of healthy subjects exposed to hypoxia. In A. Agnoli, J.R. Rapin, V. Scapagnini, W. Weitbrecht, V. Weitbrecht, & J. Libbey (Eds.), Effects of Ginkgo biloba extract on organic cerebral impairment. London: Eurotext, 77-84
- Schaffler, Schuster 1985 K. Schaffler, D. Schuster. Neuartige quantitative Erfassung des tremorogenen Einflusses der beta-2-Mimetika Clenbuterol und Salbutamol nach oraler Verabreichung (Novel quantitative assessment of the tremorogenic effects of the beta 2-mimetics clenbuterol and salbutamol after oral administration). Arzneimittel-Forschung / Drug Research, 35 (II), Nr. 8, 1299-1302
- Schaffler 1986 a K. Schaffler. Neurophysiologische Methoden zur Therapieobjektivierung. Expertengespräch ”Piracetam in der Therapie der zerebrovaskulären Insuffizienz”, Garmisch 1986. Sonderdruck, (Abstract and Presentation)
- Schaffler 1986 b K. Schaffler. Pharmakodynamische Bioäquivalenz von Piracetam unter hypoxischer Hypoxie. (Pharmacodynamic bioequivalence of piracetam in hypoxic hypoxia) Arzneimittel-Forschung / Drug Research, 36(I), Nr. 5, 845-849
- Schaffler 1986 c K. Schaffler. Psychomotor profile of buspirone. Recent Advances in Drug Treatment in Psychiatry, Proceedings, 33-40
- Schaffler 1986 d K. Schaffler. Study on performance and alcohol-interaction with the antidepressant fluoxetine – a selective serotonin-reuptake-inhibitor, using computer-assisted psychophysiological methodology. British Journal of Clinical Practice, 40, 28-33
- Kauert, Schaffler 1987 G. Kauert, K. Schaffler. Increased bioavailability of oral Oxilofrine by Dihydroergotamine. 3rd European Congress of Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics, Freiburg, 21-24.04.1987. Sonderdruck, (Abstract and Poster)
- Schaffler 1987 a K. Schaffler. Interaction of Antidepressants with Alcohol. In: K. Bizière, S. Garattini, & P. Simon (Eds.), Diagnosis and treatment of depression; Sanofi Symposium Quo vadis?, Montpellier 11.-12.05.1987, Paris: Medsi/McGraw-Hill, 277-298
- Schaffler 1987 b K. Schaffler. Noradrenerge Mechanismen des Schlafes. ”Depression, Schlaf, Traum”, 3. Internationales Trimipramin-Symposium, 13. Juni 1987, Telfs-Buchen. Sonderdruck, (Abstract and Presentation)
- Schaffler 1987 c K. Schaffler. Placebo-controlled double-blind crossover study to investigate the hypoxia-protective effect of Vinpocetine – using electrophysiologic methodology in healthy volunteers. Budapest, IBRO, 1987. New drug strategies in the treatment of senile dementias of different origin, (Abstract and Presentation)
- Schaffler 1987 d K. Schaffler. Placebo-controlled double-blind crossover study to investigate the hypoxia-protective effect of Vinpocetine – using electrophysiologic methodology in healthy volunteers, Proceedings of the Symposium: New Drug Strategies in the Treatment of Senile Dementias of Different Origin, Budapest, August 1987. Drug Development Research, Supplement, 14, 3-4
- Schaffler, Klausnitzer 1987 K. Schaffler, W. Klausnitzer. Kira – ein Ginsenosid-Präparat mit hypoxie- und streßprotektiver Potenz? DAZ, 127/48, XLIV-XLV
- Schaffler, Klausnitzer, Wober 1987 K. Schaffler, W. Klausnitzer, W. Wober. Influence of orally administered alpidem on oculodynamic, choice reaction and psychometric tests in volunteers: a comparison to lorazepam and placebo. 2nd European Congress ‘Recent Advances in Psychiatric Treatment. An Update for Clinical Practice’, Berlin, Germany, 30 March – 2 April 1987. Sonderdruck, (Abstract and Poster)
- Schaffler, Reeh 1987 K. Schaffler, P.W. Reeh. Induction and reduction of muscle tremor upon acute and repeated administration of the beta 2-agonists terbutaline, salbutamol and tulobuterol. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology,Therapy and Toxicology, 25/12, 673-682
- Schaffler, Reeh, Zentzis, Hamperl 1987 K. Schaffler, Reeh, P.W., Zentzis, K., & Hamperl, W. Analgesic effect of ASA versus a Lithium-ASA combination: An evoked potential study employing radiant heat stimulation with a CO2 laser. Pharmacopsychiatry, 20,Nr. 5, 217-221
- Klausnitzer, Schaffler 1988 a W. Klausnitzer, K. Schaffler. Alpidem vs Lorazepam, a Placebo-controlled Acute Volunteers Study: Oculographic, Muscular and Psychometric Measures. (Lecture)
- Klausnitzer, Schaffler 1988 b W. Klausnitzer, K. Schaffler. Randomized placebo-controlled double-blind 5-period crossover study on analgesic properties of three acute oral doses of CM 40907 and ASA – employing CO2-Laser for nocistimulation. C.I.N.P. Congress, Munich 1988. Sonderdruck, (Abstract and Poster)
- Schaffler 1988 K. Schaffler. Inspiratorische Hypoxie als Modell einer partiellen senilen Demenz-Simulation am Gesunden zur Prüfung der Wirksamkeit enzephalotroper Substanzen – am Beispiel von Piracetam. Vortrag Deutscher Neurologenkongreb, Frankfurt, September 1988. Sonderdruck, (Abstract and Presentation)
- Schaffler, Kauert 1988 a K. Schaffler, G. Kauert. Screening of the antidepressant minaprine on encephalotropic effects vs piracetam and placebo after acute and subchronical administration in humans – using hypoxia-model. C.I.N.P. Congress, Munich, August 1988. Sonderdruck, (Abstract and Poster)
- Schaffler, Kauert 1988 a K. Schaffler, G. Kauert. Screening of the antidepressant minaprine on encephalotropic effects vs piracetam and placebo after acute and subchronical administration in humans – using hypoxia-model. Cognition Enhancers: from Animal to Man. 2nd Int. Symp. on Preclinical Strategies in Psychopharmacology, Paris, 12th-14th October 1988. Sonderdruck, (Abstract and Presentation)
- Schaffler, Klausnitzer 1988 a K. Schaffler, W. Klausnitzer. Placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized, crossover study on effects of Ginsenosides in psychophysiological tests under hypoxia with subchronical admistration in healthy male volunteers. Sonderdruck (Abstract)
- Schaffler, Klausnitzer 1988 b K. Schaffler, W. Klausnitzer. Randomised placebo-controlled double-blind crossover study on antihypoxidotic effects of Piracetam – using psychophysiological measures in healthy volunteers. Arzneimittel-Forschung / Drug Research, 38/I, Nr. 2, 288-291
- Schaffler, Klausnitzer 1988 c K. Schaffler, W. Klausnitzer. Single dose study on buspirone vs diazepam in volunteers -monitoring psychomotor performance via oculomotor, choice reaction and electromyographic parameters. Arzneimittel-Forschung / Drug Research, 38/(I), Nr. 2, 282-287
- Ostrowski, Schaffler, Gärtner, Resag, Kostkina 1989 J. Ostrowski, K. Schaffler, W. Gärtner, K. Resag, B. Kostkina. Pharmacokinetic profile of the anti-dementia drug tenilsetam in healthy volunteers. Sonderdruck, (Abstract)
- Schaffler 1989 a K. Schaffler. Alcohol-interaction after subchronic administration of the antidepressant minaprine. Sonderdruck, (Abstract)
- Schaffler 1989 b K. Schaffler. Study on performance and alcohol interaction with the antidepressant fluoxetine. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology,Therapy and Toxicology, 4/Supplement 1, 15-20
- Schaffler 1989 c K. Schaffler. Vigilance in acute and subchronic administration of the antidepressant minaprine. Sonderdruck, (Abstract)
- Schaffler, Kauert, Gierend 1989 K. Schaffler, G. Kauert, M. Gierend. Screening of the antidepressant minaprine on encephalotropic effects vs. piracetam and placebo after acute and subchronic administration in humans – using a hypoxia-model. AGPN Sympos. Nürnberg 1989. Pharmacopsychiatry, 22, 214-215
- Schaffler, Kauert, Klausnitzer, Wauschkuhn 1989 K. Schaffler, G. Kauert, W. Klausnitzer, C.H. Wauschkuhn. Longitudinal study on pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of acute, steady state and withdrawn quazepam. Arzneimittel-Forschung / Drug Research, 39(I), Nr. 2, 276-283
- Schaffler, Kauert, Wauschkuhn, Klausnitzer 1989 K. Schaffler, G. Kauert, C.H. Wauschkuhn, W. Klausnitzer. Longitudinal study on pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of acute, steady-state and withdrawn Quazepam, AGNP Sympos. Nürnberg 1989. Pharmacopsychiatry, 22, 214-215
- Schaffler, Klausnitzer 1989 a K. Schaffler, W. Klausnitzer. Acute and subchronic minaprine vs piracetam (antidepressant vs encephalotropic) in senile dementia simulation by hypoxic hypoxidosis: oculographic, choice reaction and electro-encephalographic measures. Sonderdruck, (Abstract)
- Schaffler, Klausnitzer 1989 b K. Schaffler, W. Klausnitzer. Acute effects of two dosages of orally administered Midazolam on psychomotor performance in healthy volunteers. Arzneimittel-Forschung / Drug Research, 39/(I),Nr. 3, 395-398
- Schaffler, Klausnitzer 1989 c K. Schaffler, W. Klausnitzer. Analgesic effects of parenterally administered Ro 12-9150 vs pentazocine: an evoked potential study employing CO2-laser and electro-dermal stimulation. Sonderdruck, (Abstract)
- Schaffler, Klausnitzer 1989 d K. Schaffler, W. Klausnitzer. Analgesic effect of two oral doses of Ro 12-9150 vs pentazocine: an evoked potential study employing CO2-laser and electrodermal stimulation. Sonderdruck (Abstract)
- Schaffler, Klausnitzer 1989 e K. Schaffler, W. Klausnitzer. Placebo-controlled study on acute and subchronic effects of buspirone vs Bromazepam – utilizing psychomotor and cognitive assessments in healthy volunteers. Pharmacopsychiatry, 22, Nr. 1 23-33
- Hall, Puech, Schaffler, Wesnes, Gamzu, 1990 S.T. Hall, A. Puech, K. Schaffler, K. Wesnes, E.R. Gamzu. Early clinical testing of cognition enhancers: prediction of efficacy. Pharmacopsychiatry, 23 (Suppl. 2), 57-59
- Kunz, Schaffler, Biber, Wauschkuhn 1990 K. Kunz, K. Schaffler, A. Biber, C.H. Wauschkuhn. Bioavailability of beta-aescin after oral administration of two preparations containing aesculus extract to healthy volunteers, Med Klin 64 (26), 1207-9
- Rehn, Schaffler 1990 a D. Rehn, K. Schaffler. The Local Anaesthetic Activity of the H1-Receptor Antagonist Dimethindene Maleate. Satell. Symp. of the XIth International Congress of Pharmacology of Iuphar/Holl., 07.1990. New Perspectives in Histamine Research, (Abstract and Poster)
- Rehn, Schaffler 1990 b D. Rehn, K. Schaffler. Zur lokalanästhetischen Wirkung des H1-Rezeptor-Antagonisten Dimethindenmaleat (Fenistil). Europäischer Histaminkongress, Marburg, Mai 1991. Sonderdruck, (Abstract and Presentation)
- Schaffler, Klausnitzer 1990 K. Schaffler, W. Klausnitzer. Placebokontrollierte, doppelblinde randomisierte Crossover-Studie zur Wirkung von Ginsenosiden in psychophysiologischen Tests unter Hypoxie nach Mehrfachgabe bei gesunden männlichen Probanden. Sonderdruck, (Abstract)
- Schaffler, Wauschkuhn 1990 K. Schaffler, C.H. Wauschkuhn. Hypoxie-Modell zur Abklärung enzephalotroper Wirkungen von Pharmaka (Partielle Senile-Demenz-Simulation). 32. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Regensburg, 9. bis 12. April 1990. Sonderdruck, (Abstract and Presentation)
- Schaffler, Wauschkuhn, Zander, Bianchetti, Kyrein, Eich, Kauert, Danjou, Rosen 1990 K. Schaffler, C.H. Wauschkuhn, K.J. Zander, G. Bianchetti, H.-J. Kyrein, F.X. Eich, G. Kauert, P. Danjou, P. Rosen. CNS-pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of the new non-sedative H1-antihistamine SL85.0324 vs placebo and dimethindene in volunteers. Amsterdam, 2. July 1990. XIth International Congress of Pharmacology, European Journal of Pharmacology, 183, 595-596
- Kohlenberg-Müller, Meier, Wauschkuhn, Kunz, Schaffler 1991 K. Kohlenberg-Müller, D.W. Meier, C.H. Wauschkuhn, K. Kunz, K. Schaffler. Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Bioverfügbarkeit von Nicergolin aus zwei unterschiedlichen Darreichungsformen im steady state (Comparative studies on the bioavailability of nicergoline from two different steady-state preparation). Arzneimittel-Forschung / Drug Research, 41(II)/ Nr. 7, 728-731
- Kunz, Schaffler, Biber, Wauschkuhn 1991 K. Kunz, K. Schaffler, A. Biber, C.H. Wauschkuhn. Bioverfügbarkeit von ß-Aescin nach oraler Gabe zweier Aesculus-Extract enthaltende Darreichungsformen an gesunden Probanden. (Bioavailability of beta-aescin after oral administration of two preparations containing aesculus extract to healthy volunteers). Pharmacie, 46, (II), Nr.2, 145
- Schaffler, Wauschkuhn, Gierend 1991 K. Schaffler, C.H. Wauschkuhn, M. Gierend. Analgesic potency of a new anticonvulsant drug versus acetylsalicylic acid via laser somatosensory evoked potentials. Randomized placebo-controlled double-blind (5-way) crossover study. Arzneimittel-Forschung / Drug Research, 41 (I), Nr. 4, 427-435
- Schaffler, Wauschkuhn, Häuser 1991 K. Schaffler, C.H. Wauschkuhn, B. Häuser. Study to evaluate the encephalotropic potency of a hemodialysate. Controlled study using electro-retinography and visual evoked potentials under hypoxic conditions in human volunteers (preliminary communication). Arzneimittel-Forschung / Drug Research, 41(II)/ Nr. 7, 699-704
- Schaffler, Wauschkuhn, Rehn 1991 K. Schaffler, C.H. Wauschkuhn, D. Rehn. The Local Anestetic Activity of Dimethindene. the Dimethindene Maleate’s Investigatiors’ Meeting, Zürich, Switzerland, 25.05.1991, organized by Zyma SA., Sonderdruck, (Abstract and Lecture)
- Lohmann, Dingler, Sommer, Schaffler, Wober, Schmidt 1992 A. Lohmann, E. Dingler, W. Sommer, K. Schaffler, W. Wober, W. Schmidt. Bioavailability of Vinpocetine and interference of the time of application with food intake. Arzneimittel-Forschung / Drug Research, 42 (II), Nr. 7, 914-917
- Rehn, Brunnauer, Wauschkuhn, Schaffler 1992 D. Rehn, H. Brunnauer, C.H. Wauschkuhn, K. Schaffler. Zur topischen Wirkung des Antihistaminikums Dimethindenmaleat (Fenistil R). Pharmazeutische Zeitung, 5,5/137, 215-217
- Schaffler, Wauschkuhn 1992 a K. Schaffler, C.H. Wauschkuhn. Hypoxie als humanpharmakologisches Modell. (Poster, AGAH-Tagung). Sonderdruck, (Abstract)
- Schaffler, Wauschkuhn 1992 b K. Schaffler, C.H. Wauschkuhn. Myogenic and vigilance effect of suriclone vs lorazepam and placebo. Presentation at CINP-Congress, Nizza, 28.06-02.07.1992. In: Raven Press (Ed.), Clinical Neuropharmacology
- Schaffler, Wauschkuhn 1992 c K. Schaffler, C.H. Wauschkuhn. Orthostatische Hypotonie. Kipptischuntersuchung zur anti-hypotonen Wirkung von Norfenefrin nach Langzeitgabe. ZFA, 35/36, 1211-1215
- Schaffler, Wauschkuhn 1992 d K. Schaffler, C.H. Wauschkuhn. Simultaneous measurements of ERG and VEP under hypoxia – an approach to test encephalotropic compounds in healthy volunteers. Pharmacopsychiatry, 2, 63-124
- Schaffler, Wauschkuhn, Brunnauer 1992 K. Schaffler, C.H. Wauschkuhn, H. Brunnauer. An explorative evaluation of the local aesthetic activity of Dimethindene. Agents & Actions, Special Conf. Iss. C 437-C 439
- Schaffler, Wauschkuhn, Brunnauer, Rehn 1992 K. Schaffler, C.H. Wauschkuhn, H. Brunnauer, D. Rehn. Evaluation of the local anaesthetic activity of dimethindene maleate by means of laser algesimetry in healthy volunteers. Arzneimittel-Forschung / Drug Research, 42 (II), Nr. 11, 1332-1335
- Brunnauer, Schaffler, Wauschkuhn, Jarms, Rehn 1993 a H. Brunnauer, K. Schaffler, C.H. Wauschkuhn, G. Jarms, D. Rehn. Dimethindene Maleate in the treatment of cutaneous reactions caused by experimental exposure to jellyfish (cyanea capillata) using VAS, colorimetry and calorimetry in volunteers. European Histamine Research Society, XXII. Annual Meeting, Cologne, 19-22.05.1993. Conference Papers, 1, (Abstract and Poster)
- Brunnauer, Schaffler, Wauschkuhn, Jarms, Rehn 1993 b H. Brunnauer, K. Schaffler, C.H. Wauschkuhn, G. Jarms, D. Rehn. The Effect of Dimethindene Maleate (DMM) on Cutaneous Symptoms Caused by Jellyfish Exposure in Healthy Volunteers. Poster-Präsentation anlässlich des XXII. Annual Meeting of European Histamine Society, Köln, 19.-22.05.1993. Sonderdruck, (Abstract and Poster)
- Schaffler 1993 K. Schaffler. Alternativen zur klinischen Prüfung am Patienten bei nicht-dermalen Topika. Symposium ”Topika – vom Antacidum bis zum Lokalcorticoid” der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik e.V. (APV), Darmstadt, 21.-22.10.1993. Sonderdruck, (Abstract and Presentation)
- Schaffler, Wauschkuhn, Jurna 1993 K. Schaffler, C.H. Wauschkuhn, C.H., & Jurna, I. (1993). Evaluation of Analgesic Potency of Oral Lysine Clonixinate vs Ibuprofen – Using Objective Laser-SEP-Algesimetry in Healthy Volunteers. 7th World Congress on Pain. 22-27.08.1993, Paris, France. IASP, (Abstract and Poster)
- Schaffler 1994 a K. Schaffler. Evoked potentials, pain and analgesics. 1ra. Conferencia Internacional sobre Dolor. Buenos Aires, 19.-20.04.1994. Sonderdruck, 26-29. (Abstract and Presentation)
- Schaffler 1994 b K. Schaffler. Lokalanästhetische Potenz von Fenistil-Gel höher als von Lidocain. Presentation at 22. Jahrestagung European Histamine Research Society, Köln, 19.-22.5.1993. Sonderdruck, 4 (Abstract)
- Schaffler 1994 c K. Schaffler. Vergleich der sedierenden Wirkung von Fenistil, Loratadin und Placebo. Sonderdruck, 8 (Lecture)
- Schaffler, Wauschkuhn, Martinelli, Rehn, Brunnauer 1994 K. Schaffler, C.H. Wauschkuhn, M. Martinelli, D. Rehn, H. Brunnauer. Influences of dimethindene maleate in a new formulation on oculo- and psychomotor performance using the oculodynamic test (ODT) in volunteers. Agents & Actions, 41, Special No.: C136-7
- Schaffler 1995 K. Schaffler. Phase-I Pharmacodynamics in Healthy Volunteers. A useful link between preclinical and clinical research phases II – IV, with a special view on CNS and topic drugs – including finding AEs and modelling for simulation of pathophysiological states. INSIGHT Clinical Contract Research, 78-80
- Englisch, Rehn, Schaffler, Wauschkuhn 1996 W. Englisch, D. Rehn, K. Schaffler, C.H. Wauschkuhn. Effects fo dimethindene maleate (DMM) on psychomotor performance in the oculodynamic test (ODT) compared with placebo and loratadine. Arzneimittel-Forschung / Drug Research, 46 (I),Nr. 9, 887-890
- Klausnitzer, Schaffler, Wober, Eich, Zander 1996 W. Klausnitzer, K. Schaffler, W. Wober, F.X. Eich, K.J. Zander. Placebo-Controlled Acute Volunteers’ Study of Alpidem vs Lorazepam Utilizing Oculographic, Muscular and Psychometric Measure. (Lecture)
- Lobisch, Schaffler, Wauschkuhn, Nickel 1996 M. Lobisch, K. Schaffler, C.H. Wauschkuhn, B. Nickel. Klinische Pilotstudie zur myogenen Wirkung von Flupirtin im Vergleich zu Tetrazepam und Placebo (Clinical pilot study of the myogenic effects of flupirtine in comparison to tetrazepam and placebo). Arzneimittel-Forschung / Drug Research, 46 (I), Nr. 3, 293-298
- Püchler, Schaffler, Wauschkuhn, Plenker 1996 K. Püchler, K. Schaffler, C.H. Wauschkuhn, A. Plenker. The comparative effects of single and multiple doses of RS-8359, moclobemide and placebo on psychophysiological and psychomotor functions in healthy subjects. (Lecture)
- Schaffler 1996 K. Schaffler. Niche CROs. As the biggies get bigger, how will the niche CRO fit in and how will it develop? The 6th International Conference on Contract Research Organisations. 30.11.-01.12.1995, Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky, Amsterdam (Abstract and Presentation)
- Versavel, Leonard, Herrmann, Gallhofer, Böttcher, Dietrich, Jobert, Oldigs-Kerber, Ott, Reimann, Schaffler, Schulz, Wauschkuhn 1996 M. Versavel, J.P. Leonard, W.M. Herrmann, B. Gallhofer, M. Böttcher, B. Dietrich, M. Jobert, J. Ooldigs-Kerber, H. Ott, I.W. Reimann, K. Schaffler, H. Schulz, C.H. Wauschkuhn. Standard-Arbeitsanweisung für die Registrierung und rechnergestützte Auswertung von Pharmako-EEG-Daten. Zeitschrift für Elektroenzephalographie, Elektromyographie und verwandte Gebiete, 27, 55-58
- Püchler, Schaffler, Plenker 1997 K. Püchler, K. Schaffler, A. Plenker. The comparative effects of single and multiple doses of RS-8359, moclobemide and placebo on psychomotor function in healthy subjects. International Clinical Psychopharmacology, 12, 17-23
- Schaffler, Wauschkuhn, Hadler, Stark 1997 a K. Schaffler, C.H. Wauschkuhn, D. Hadler, M. Stark. Dose-effect relationship of Idebenone in an experimental cerebral deficit model (Pilot-study in healthy young volunteers with piracetam as reference drug). (Abstract and Presentation at AGNP 10/97, Nuremberg)
- Schaffler, Wauschkuhn, Hadler, Stark 1997 b K. Schaffler, C.H. Wauschkuhn, D. Hadler, M. Stark. Idebenone, evaluation of the dose-effect-relationship within an experimental cerebral deficit model in healthy young volunteers. 20th Symposium of AGNP Nuremberg, 8-11 October 1997. Pharmacopsychiatry, 30, 218
- Schaffler, Wauschkuhn, Sablofski 1997 K. Schaffler, C.H. Wauschkuhn, M. Sablofski. Pilot Study for the Evaluation of Myogenic Effects of Nefopam vs Tetrazepam and Placebo. (Lecture)
- Kunz, Lorkowski, Petersen, Samcova, Schaffler, Wauschkuhn 1998 K. Kunz, G. Lorkowski, G. Petersen, E. Samcova, K. Schaffler, C.H. Wauschkuhn. Bioavailability of ß-aescin after administration of two oral formulations containing aesculus extract. Arzneimittel-Forschung / Drug Research. 48 (II), Nr. 8, 822-825
- Schaffler 1998 K. Schaffler. The Contribution of Pharmacodynamic Methodology in Pain Research. OTC Scientific Workshop, Parsippany NJ, USA, 22.10.1998 (Abstract and Presentation)
- Schaffler, Medert 1998 K. Schaffler, G. Medert. The analgesic, anti-inflammatory profile of dexketoprofen trometamol. Der Schmerz, Bd.12, S1/98, 69-70, Abstract and Poster at Dt. Schmerzkongress Düsseldorf, 14.-18.10.1998
- Schaffler, Wauschkuhn, Hadler, Stark 1998 K. Schaffler, C.H. Wauschkuhn, D. Hadler, M. Stark. Dose-effect relationship of idebenone in an experimental cerebral deficit model. Pilot study in healthy young volunteers with piracetam as reference drug. Arzneimittel-Forschung / Drug Research. 48 (II), Nr. 7, 720-726
- Schaffler 1999 K. Schaffler. Erkenntnisse zur Schmerzverarbeitung aus subjektiven und objektiven Messverfahren. Dt. Neurologentag Marburg 07.-09.05.1999, Abstract and Presentation, Abstrakt-Band, 27
- Schaffler, Beckers, Unkauf, Kyrein 1999 K. Schaffler, C. Beckers, M. Unkauf, H.-J. Kyrein. Dimethindene maleate in the treatment of sunburn. A double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study. Arzneimittel-Forschung / Drug Research. 49 (I), Nr. 4, 374-379
- Schaffler 2000 a K. Schaffler. Developing efficient surrogate markers for Phase I pharmacodynamics, at IIR-conference, Abstract and Presentation, “Establishing biomarkers and surrogate end points to speed up the development of CNS therapy, London, 30.-31.10.2000
- Schaffler 2000 b K. Schaffler. POP in CNS compounds with HTS applications of current pd models, Phase I/IIa Trials: Accelerated Proof of Concept, IBC-Congress, Amsterdam, 23.-24.10. 2000, (Abstract and Presentation)
- Schaffler 2000 c K. Schaffler. The analgesic effect of a selective NARI in a Laser-capsaicin model, Abstract and Presentation at Deutscher Schmerztag, Frankfurt/M., 04.2000
- Schüler, Schaffler, Seibel 2000 P. Schüler, K. Schaffler, K. Seibel. Analgetische Wirksamkeit von Reboxetin, DGPPN Kongress 2000, Abstract and Presentation at Dt. Ges. für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Nervenheilkunde, Aachen, 20.-23. 09.2000, Der Nervenarzt, 71 (suppl.1), 132
- Schaffler, Seibel, Edwards 2001 K. Schaffler, K. Seibel, M. Edwards. Study to evaluate the effect of ReN 1869 on the development of capsaicin-induced hyperalgesia in human skin a study using laser-induced somatosensory evoked potentials (LSEPs), Abstract and Poster at Deutscher Schmerzkongress Berlin, Germany, 10.2001 (Abstract in “Der Schmerz”)
- Thomsen, Hansen, Olsen, Reeh, Schaffler, Seibel 2001 M.S. Thomsen, A.J. Hansen, U.B. Olsen, P. Reeh, K. Schaffler, K. Seibel. Effects of ReN1869 on capsaicin and histamine induced neurogenic inflammation in healthy male subjects. Abstract and Poster at 5th World Congress of Inflammation 22.-26.09.2001, Edinburgh
- Schaffler 2002 a K. Schaffler. Advances in Experimental Human Pain Models and Pain Research – Accentuating Inflammatory and Neuropathic Pain, Abstract and Presentation at IIR CNS Drug Development Conference, London, 29.-30.04.2002
- Schaffler 2002 b K. Schaffler. Problematik der Erfassung schlafstörungskorrelierter ZNS-Phänomene unter Medikamenten- und Drogenabusus, Abstract and Presentation at A.I.D. Tagung, Berlin, Germany, 02.-04.05.2002
- Schüler, Seibel, Chevts, Schaffler 2002 Peter Schüler, Klaus Seibel, Vitali Chevts, Klaus Schaffler. Analgetische Wirkung des selektiven Noradrenalin-Wiederaufnahmehemmers Reboxetin – Objektive und subjektive Messung (Analgesic effect of the selective noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor reboxetine), Nervenarzt, 73, 149-154
- Seibel, Schaffler, Reitmeir, Golly 2002 K. Seibel, K. Schaffler, P. Reitmeir, I. Golly. A randomised, placebo-controlled study comparing two formulations of dimenhydrinate with respect to efficacy in motion sickness and sedation, Arzneimittel-Forschung / Drug Research. 52, (7), 529-536
- Thomsen, Hansen, Olsen, Reeh, Ingwersen, Schaffler, Seibel 2002 M.S. Thomsen, A.J. Hansen, U.B. Olsen, P. Reeh, S. Ingwersen, K. Schaffler, K. Seibel. Effects of ReN1869 on capsaicin and histamine induced neurogenic inflammation in healthy subjects. Drug Development Research, 57,(4),193-197
- Schaffler 2003 a K. Schaffler. Aktuelle Studienergebnisse: Ibuprofen und Ibuprofen-Lysinat. Gibt es relevante Unterschiede? Abstract and Presentation at 1st Petersberger Schmerztage, 11.-12.11.2003, Petersberg/Bonn
- Schaffler 2003 b K. Schaffler. Problematik der Erfassung schlafstörungskorrelierter ZNS-Phänomene unter Medikamenten- und Drogenabusus, in: Mehr als abhängig? Schlafstörungen: Trauma, Betäubung, Behandlung, Hrsg.: Jellinek C., Bellmann G. U., Westermann B., Lambertus Verlag, 76-86
- Murck, Uhr, Schaffler, Seibel 2004 H. Murck, M. Uhr, K. Schaffler, K. Seibel. Effects of Hypericum Extract (LI160) on the Change of Auditory Evoked Potentials by Cortisol Administration, Neuropsychobiology 50 (2): 128-133
- Schaffler 2004 K. Schaffler. Overcoming the challenges associated with pain measurement and treatment (Abstract and Presentation), (+ breakfast workshop: Reviewing the value of models and biomarkers in early development to assess pain), IIR Conference: Leveraging CNS Product Development, Amsterdam 31.3.-1.4.2004
- Schaffler, Reitmeir 2004 K. Schaffler, P. Reitmeir, Analgesic effects of low-dose intravenous orphenadrine in the state of capsaicin hyperalgesia. A randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind cross-over study using laser somatosensory evoked potentials (LSEPs) obtained from capsaicin-irritated skin in healthy volunteers, Arzneimittel-Forschung / Drug Research. 54 (10), 673-679
- Schaffler, Seibel, Thomsen, Edwards 2004 K. Schaffler, K. Seibel, M. Thomsen, M. Edwards. Effect of the new H1-Antagonist ReN1869 on the capsaicin-induced hyperalgesia in human skin: Human phase-I trial using somatosensory evoked potentials induced by a CO2 laser, Arzneimittel-Forschung / Drug Research. 54 (3), 187-191
- Seibel, Schaffler, Reeh, Reitmeir 2004 K. Seibel, K. Schaffler, P. Reeh, P. Reitmeir. Comparison of two different preparations of ibuprofen with regard to the time course of their analgesic effect. A randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind cross-over study using laser somatosensory evoked potentials (LSEPs) obtained from UV-irritated skin in healthy volunteers, Arzneimittel-Forschung / Drug Research. 54 (8), 444-451
- Schaffler, Reitmeir, Gschanes, Eggenreich 2005 K. Schaffler, P. Reitmeir, A. Gschanes, U. Eggenreich. Comparison of the analgesic effects of a fixed-dose combination of orphenadrine and diclofenac (Neodolpassse®) with its single active ingredients diclofenac and orphenadrine. A placebo-controlled study – using LASER-induced somatosensory evoked potentials from human skin in the state of capsaicin hyperalgesia, Drugs R D, 6 (4), 189-199
- Drewelow, Schaffler 2006 a B. Drewelow, K. Schaffler. Pantoprazole provides a high safety profile regarding the drug-drug interaction with diazepam, Abstract and Poster at 14th United European Gastroenterology Week UEGW 2006“, Berlin, Germany, 21.-25.10.2006
- Drewelow, Schaffler 2006 b B. Drewelow, K. Schaffler. Pharmacokinetic interaction of esomeprazole in contrast to pantoprazole after single dose diazepam i.v. administration, Abstract and Poster at 14th United European Gastroenterology Week UEGW 2006“, Berlin, Germany, 21.-25.10.2006
- Drewelow, Schaffler 2006 c B. Drewelow, K. Schaffler. Überlegenes Interaktionsprofil von Pantoprazol vs. Esomeprazol: Pharmakodynamik (PD) und -kinetik (PK) nach Diazepam Einzelgabe, Abstract and Poster at 112. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin (DGIM), 22.-26.04.2006
- Drewelow, Schaffler, Reitmeir 2006 B. Drewelow, K. Schaffler, P. Reitmeir. Superior interaction profile of pantoprazole vs. esomeprazole after single dose diazepam regarding pharmacodynamic (PD) and kinetic (PK) parameters, Abstract and Poster at Congress of Canadian Association of Gastroenterology (CAG), Canadian Digestive Disease Week (CDDW) Banff, 24.-27.02.2006
- Murck, Spitznagel, Ploch, Seibel, Schaffler 2006 H. Murck, H. Spitznagel, M. Ploch, K. Seibel, K. Schaffler. Hypericum extract reverses S-ketamine-induced changes in AEPs in humans – possible implication for the treatment of schizophrenia, Biological Psychiatry, 59, 440-445
- Schaffler 2006 K. Schaffler. Drug effects on Laser-evoked nociceptive EEG-responses obtained from UV- and capsaicin-irritated skin of healthy humans, Abstract and Poster at Keystone symposia: “Pain mechanisms and the development of analgesics” 11.-16.06.2006, Keystone Resort Colorado USA
- Passier, Schaffler, Schaffler, Reeh 2007 P. Passier, B. Schaffler, K. Schaffler, P.W. Reeh. Combination of radiant heat (LASER) and auditory evoked potentials with visual analog scales differentiates between antinociceptive and sedative drug effects, Abstract and Poster at Dutch Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Biopharmacy, Utrecht Mar 2007, in Br J Clin Pharmacol, 65:2, 290, 2008
- Schaffler 2008 K. Schaffler. Validation study using Laser somatosensory evoked potentials (LSEP) in UV-skin model to investigate the efficacy of prescription and non-prescription analgesics, Abstract and Poster at British Pain Society, Liverpool, Apr. 2008
- Schaffler 2008 K. Schaffler. Laser Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (LSEP) in UV-Skin model to classify efficacy of some prescription and non-prescription analgesics, Abstract and Poster at IASP World Congress on Pain, Glasgow, Aug. 2008
- Schaffler 2008 K. Schaffler. Proof of efficacy and dose-dependency of NSAID and opiate analgesics in Laser evoked potential paradigm – using capsaicin and UV skin model, invited speech, Spring Pain Conference, Grand Cayman Island, Apr./May 2008, Brain Research Reviews, Elsevier, Session PREDICTING THERAPEUTIC EFFICACY & EXPERIMENTAL PAIN IN HUMAN SUBJECTS, available online: 31-DEC-2008 DOI information: 10.1016/ j.brainresrev. 2008.12.01
- Hoeben, Smit, Upmalis, Schaffler, Mangold 2009 E. Hoeben, H. Smit, D. Upmalis, B. Mangold. Dose-response relationship after administration of single oral doses of tapentadol in a human pain model using Laser Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (LSEPs) on UVB‑irradiated and capsaicin-irritated skin in healthy male subject, Abstract and Poster at Keystone Symposium “The Neurobiology of Pain and Analgesia”, Santa Fé, Febr. 22nd -26th 2009
- Schaffler 2009 K. K. Schaffler. Efficacy ranking of some prescription and non-prescription analgesics using Laser-somatosensory evoked potentials in UV-skin, Abstract and Poster at Keystone Symposium “The Neurobiology of Pain and Analgesia”, Santa Fé, Febr. 22nd -26th 2009
- Master, Peachey, Schaffler, Graham, Routledge 2009. F. Master, M. Peachey, K. Schaffler, C. Graham C. Routledge. Analgesic effect of the novel, potent and selective prostanoid EP4 receptor antagonist, BGC20-1531: a placebo-controlled study using Laser-induced somatosensory-evoked potentials obtained from UVB and capsaicin irritated skin in healthy volunteers, Abstract and Poster at the 18th Int. Headache Research Seminar, March 6th -8th 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Schaffler 2009. K. Schaffler. Laser, Auditory Evoked Potentials and Visual Analogue Scales Differentiate Antinociceptive from Sedative Drug Effects, Abstract and Poster at “Pain in Europe VI” 6th Congress of the European Federation of IASP Chapters (EFIC), Lisbon, Portugal, September 9th -12th , 2009
- Schaffler 2010 K. Schaffler, Analgesic Effects of the Selective Prostanoid EP4-Receptor Antagonist, BGC20-1531 Using Laser Somatosensory-Evoked Potentials From UVB- and Capsaicin-Irritated Skin in Volunteers, Abstract and Poster at the 3rd International Congress on Neuropathic Pain (NeuPSIG 2010) Athens, Greece, May 27th -30th , 2010
- Schaffler, Duan, Best, Faltynek, Locke, Nothaft 2010 K. Schaffler, W.R. Duan, A.E. Best, C.R. Faltynek, C. Locke, W. Nothaft, Effects of a novel TRPV-1 antagonist ABT-102 in human experimental pain study using laser somatosensory evoked potentials obtained from UVB-irritated and normal skin in healthy volunteers, Abstract and Poster at the 13th World Congress on Pain, Montreal, Canada, August 29th – September 2nd 2010
- Drewelow, Schaffler, Reitmeir, Bethke 2010 B. Drewelow, K. Schaffler, P. Reitmeir, T. Bethke. Effects of Multiple-dose Esomeprazole and Pantoprazole on Diazepam Pharmacokinetic Profile and Pharmacodynamic Effects on Cognitive and Psychomotor Function in Healthy Volunteers, Arzneimittelforschung / Drug Research 60, Nr. 8, 483-491
- Schaffler, Reeh, Duan, Best, Faltynek, Locke, Nothaft 2010 K. Schaffler, P.-W. Reeh, W. R. Duan, A. E. Best, C. R. Faltynek, C. Locke, W. Nothaft. Oral administration of the novel TRPV1 antagonist ABT-102 has highly significant effects on laser somatosensory evoked potentials from UVB-inflamed and normal human skin, accepted for publication in Br. J Clin. Pharmacol BJCP, July 2012, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2125.2012.04377.x
- Hoeben, Smit, Upmalis, Rush, Schaffler, Reitmeir, Mangold 2011 E. Hoeben, J. W. Smit, D. Upmalis, S. Rush, K. Schaffler, P. Reitmeir and B. Mangold. Analgesic/Anti-hyperalgesic Efficacy and Dose-Response Relationship of Morphine and Oxycodone Immediate Release in a Human Experimental Algesimetric Model, Abstract and Poster at 7th Congress of the European Federation of IASP Chapters (EFIC)-PAIN IN EUROPE VII Hamburg, Germany, September 21-24, 2011
- Hoeben, Smit, Upmalis, Rush, Schaffler, Reitmeir, Mangold 2011 E. Hoeben, J. W. Smit, D. Upmalis, S. Rush, K. Schaffler, P. Reitmeir and B. Mangold. Dose-response relationship after single oral dose administrations of morphine and oxycodone IR in a human experimental algesimetric model using laser evoked potentials on UVB-irradiated and capsaicin-irritated skin PAIN 153 (2012) 1648–1656
- Schaffler, Lee, Versavel. K. D. Schaffler, M. S, Lee, M. Versavel. First clinical translation of the anti-nociceptive/anti-hyperalgesic efficacy of a T-type calcium channel modulator (Z944) – using Laser evoked potentials and VAS in UVB and capsaicin irritated skin in healthy volunteers, accepted Abstract and Poster 14th World Congress on Pain (IASP), Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 6th -11th 2014
- Schaffler, Brand, Borta, Nicolas, Reitmeir, Scholpp. K. Schaffler, T. Brand, A. Borta, L. Nicolas, P. Reitmeir, J. Scholpp. Predictive Value of Laser Evoked Potentials & VAS – Exploring Anti-Nociceptive/Anti-Hyperalgesic Activity: Effects of Different Compound Classes on Normal, UVB and Capsaicin Irritated Skin in Healthy Human Volunteers, Abstract & Poster accepted and presented at 15th World Congress on Pain (IASP) Yokohama, Japan, September 26th -30th 2016
- Schaffler, Nicolas, Borta, Brand, Reitmeir, Roebling, Scholpp. K. Schaffler, L. B. Nicolas, A. Borta, T. Brand, P. Reitmeir, R. Roebling, J. Scholpp. Investigation of the predictive validity of laser-EPs in normal, UVB-inflamed and capsaicin-irritated skin with four analgesic compounds in healthy volunteers. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2017 Jul;83(7):1424-1435. doi: 10.1111/bcp.13247. Epub 2017 Feb 27 PMID: 28139023
- Schaffler, Fakhoury, He, Passier, Tracy, Paul. K. Schaffler, A. Fakhoury, W. He, P. Passier, K. Tracy, J. Paul. A Phase 1, randomized, double-blind, laser evoked potential study to evaluate the analgesic/anti-hyperalgesic effect of ASP9226, a state-dependent N-type voltage-gated calcium channel inhibitor, in healthy male subjects, accepted for publication in Pain Medicine, in print
- Schaffler, Yassen, Reeh, Passier. K. Schaffler, A. Yassen, P. Reeh, P. Passier. A randomized, double-blind, placebo- and active comparator-controlled phase 1 study of analgesic/anti-hyperalgesic properties of ASP8477, a fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibitor, in healthy female subjects, Pain Medicine 12/2017; 0: 1–13, doi: 10.1093/pm/pnx28112/2017
- Passier, Schaffler, Schaffler, Reeh. P. Passier, B. Schaffler, K. Schaffler, P. Reeh. Combination of Radiant Heat (LASER) and Auditory Evoked Potentials with Visual Analog Scales Differentiates between Anti-nociceptive and Sedative Drug Effects, in preparation for submission